Musing from the impetuous 30something Cosmopolitan chronicles the modern life, personal commentaries and unconventional thoughts of a thirty-something professional woman on a quest to live life on her own terms.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Robin Thick's "Sweatest Love" video is a Marc Baptiste work of art
Marc Baptiste has done it again. He directed Robin Thick’s video for the single “Sweetest Love”. It’s a great piece of work. Robin Thick’s newest CD is on heavy rotation on my ipod. The Sweetest Love single is my third most favorite song on the CD. The first is “Side Step” and the second would be “Ms. Harmony”. Hence, the “Sweetest Love” was written after Robin Thick visited Paris. Although, I’ve been to Paris only once, he penned the songs simple yet elegant melody perfectly. Moreover, Marc Baptiste captured the feel and mood of the song with perfection; simple, intense and sweet. Check out the Robin Thick’s “Sweetest Love” video below:
I love all forms of art; literary, photography, painting, sculpture, music, film, the spoken word. Superb Art is an emollient on a bad day because it touches the soul, warm the heart and leaves one wanting more. Our homes are our sanctuaries, and often represent our journey, our interests, our experiences, and simply who we are inside; no matter how kooky it may be. My very tiny house is filled with art from unknown artists whose work moves me, inexpensive prints of internationally known artists and many books from critically acclaimed authors. Hence, the books I have on my coffee table bring me great joy conceptually and visually. There is the amazing Freda Kahlo, the extraordinary Gordon Parks, the confused yet impeccable Basquait, the incredible Henry Tanner, and my favorite contemporary photographer Marc Baptiste.
Marc Baptiste, the author/photographer of the book BEAUTIFUL nudes by Marc Baptiste, exquisitively captures the Soul of women in ways few photographers have in the past. To me, Baptiste is the Herb Ritz of the millennium. His work evokes true LOVE and BEAUTY. I can only say that his work is like poetry. Robin Thick definately chose the best director for the "Sweetest Love" video. Bravo, Bravo!
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