Monday, March 10, 2008

The DC Metro Urbanistas Have Claimed The Cork Wine Bar in Logan Circle

Would one be considered a “wino” if one preferred wine to mixed drinks or liquor all the time. If so then call me “willie the wino”, because I prefer Kendall Jackson chardonnay over an apple martini any day. A new wine bar popped up in Logan circle; the Cork Wine Bar. Interestingly, it is very much like the Cork Wine Bar in Ohio. Nevertheless, the DC urbanotic scene seems to love it.

The food is delicious, small plates only, simple foods, and lots of flavor. The wine list is extensive, more than 100 wines by the bottle, focusing on Old World selections, including many organic and sustainable produced wines. Prices range from $6 to $14 by the glass. Tasting wines by the glass can add up, flights are more economical and the bottle could be an even better value. The service is great as well, and staff is well versed in the very wide range of French and Spanish wines available.

The Cork Wine Bar’s crowd consists of the laid back 30something urban dwellers packing in the place with a New York/East Village ambiance. . Hence, Cork wine bar is a cool place to chill out with friends and catch up. It’s extremely crowded which makes it more fun to have “sex in the city” moments with friends. Like Arnold says, “I’ll be back”. Absolutely.

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