Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs, the Rock Star immortalized

One of the best commencement speeches I've ever heard was this video below. It is aw-inspiring. When ordinary people do extraordinary things, on their own terms. They appear to become Rock Stars. He was that Rock Star. Check out his advice to Stanford students.

This video inspired me, and in spite of my regrets, this video gave me justification for the many decisions I've made; even those that didn't work out. There is hope that the lessons learned will be of great value. Hence, Steve Jobs achieved iconic Rock Star status as an innovator of the 21st century. The man who became a 21st change agent has passed away today. His charming ability to connect the dots and communicate the value of an idea was his most astounding and revered skill. Steve Jobs will be forever immortalized as a transformative figure of the 21st century. His talents and presence will be missed.

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