Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tina Fey as Sara Palin on Saturday Night Live!!!

This skit is hilarious. Tina Fey is the spitting image of Sara Palin. Sadly it actually embodies the true essence of Sara Palin, and pokes fun of Hilary Clinton. Palin is an embarrassment to every educated capable women. Moreover, Palin's lack of deptha and low rate performance has made her the poster child for middle age "ditzy brawds".

Sadly, Palin might receive the unsuspecting, uninformed “vagina vote”, as a retaliation due to Hilary Clinton not being chosen as the Dems VP. Hillary Clinton is a smart, accomplished, strong, educated, political veteran, and seasoned diplomat. There is ABSOLUTES NO comparison between Palin and Clinton. If Clinton had not voted on the war that tarnished the US’s international image which sunk the economy, she might be the Dems presidential candidate. However, the country is looking for change. The current President’s lack of intelligence has caused the country’s current decline. The United States can not afford another “dumb” president or vice-president. A waffle house waitress could articulate better than Palin. She appears to manage her governorship like student club president. Palin like Bush, doesn’t show that she understand the lasting generational repercussions of the presidential decisions. Her support of offshore drilling is just one example. Palin allowed Lobbyists to influence her policy on Alaska drilling. Polar Bears could become extent by 2030 as a result Alaska ice glaciers melting at an astronomical rate due to off shore drilling, and global warming. Palin has no clue as to the impact of species extension, due to the deteriorate of the ecological landscape. The “Ditzy Brawd” image is cute if one is a waffle waitress but ineffective and irrational as a vice-presidential candidate. John McCain compared Barak to Paris Hilton but McCain chose middle aged Paris Hilton as his running mate.

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